Throughout life, the human body goes through a long way to go. Has been to evolve, to improve, reaching the peak of its development, and then gradually extinguishes. It is a natural process that cannot stop, but can slow down to be ready for it.
The causes of the reduction of the power
Men of power, after 50 years, is also undergoing some changes. All of them are somehow connected with the aging processes of the body. I am absolutely majority of men the problem starts with the erection until this age. In order to minimize their effects, need to be prepared for the following points.
Human health is subjected to a check on the force for all life. In spite of the equality of rights in society, the man continues to be the main source of income of his family, on him rests the responsibility for their well-being. Therefore, in the life of a man of a lot of stress, which adversely affect the power. In addition, it is decreasing due to:
- the sedentary life-style;
- the lack of regular physical activities;
- smoking and alcohol consumption;
- irregular sexual life;
- not cured of sexually transmitted diseases;
- the long-term intake of psychotropic drugs;
- the excess of weight.
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. Is it responds to the growth of body hair, growth of muscle mass, does not allow to wait of fats and typically "female" places: thighs, belly and the mammary glands. The testosterone is so involved in the production of sperm, the quantity, the quality and the vitality.
After 50 years of age in men, can occur declining levels of testosterone in the blood. It is logical explained by the laws of nature: the main task of the man (like any other) of the body – to leave after itself a healthy posterity. The peak of flowering of the reproductive functions of an organism responsible for about 30-35 years.
The level of testosterone in the blood, it is possible to know, I made an examination of the blood in the veins. The direction it will take you to the doctor-andrologist or endocrinologist. If the testosterone level below the normal values, the doctor will prescribe special hormonal drugs, which will support your level in its meaning. The alternative tablets – testosterone injections. His best performance at the hospital, which is not convenient for the patients, because the injection is necessary to do regularly.

So there are many dietary supplements and natural medicines that improve the male potency. But they have some disadvantages:
- the effect of the impact on the body may be implicit;
- it is necessary to take at least 2-4 weeks to notice the first results;
- there is a risk of development of allergy to components of drugs, as a rule, the composition of its wide enough;
- many times the efficacy of dietary supplements not proven;
- BAD – is not a medicine, therefore, is not the same strict control over the distribution. There is a great risk of buying a fake.
In addition to enhancing the power in many supplements that promise to improve immunity, help the male sex and the body cope with stress. The result improves the mood, appear forces not only to practice sports but and in the practice of sex. And the most important – the desire to have sex.
To maintain the level of testosterone to normal as possible, not only through drugs, but through the practice of sports. In addition, the sport helps you stay in shape muscle, increase physical strength of the body and will cause the man outwardly attractive and able for the next few years. After all, the 50 many years of life only begins.
The increase in the level of cholesterol in the bloodCholesterol is necessary to the body. It enters in the composition of the walls of cells that are composed of all internal organs. If your level is in normal limits, the cell walls are quite hard, so that they have not lost their way, but also quite elastic. Also cholesterol is the precursor (t. e. the substance from which form in the process of transformations in the body a substance) of male sex hormones.
The increase in the level of cholesterol is the major cause of development of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels. They lose their elasticity, become fragile. In such cases, they do not deal with the filling of blood of the penis, when sexually aroused.
Also the cholesterol has the ability to form plaques on the walls of the vessels, which obstruct the, preventing normal blood circulation.
The main causes of enhancing the cholesterol in the body:
- the bad diet and excess of power, the abuse of food that contains too much cholesterol (such products are, for example, the chicken egg, shrimp);
- is prohibited;
- passive life-style, lack of regular physical activities;
- the abuse of alcohol;
- liver disease, that prevent the timely flow of bile;
- diabetes and other endocrine diseases.
The cholesterol level decreases the first the purchase of special medications, the medicines of the statin. Forth, you can maintain a normal, adjusting your diet, giving up smoking and alcohol drinking, and start practicing sports. If the level of cholesterol in the blood does not decrease, then it may become the cause of stroke and heart attack.

One of the most frequent diseases in men after the age of 50 – prostatitis. It is an inflammation of the prostate gland. Reasons of its emergence are many. It may appear due to infectious diseases neighbors of prostate organs, such as, for example, when CIStandte and inflammation in the bladder. He can start and if you hit the accumulation of bacteria through the urethra to the act of unprotected sex. And yet, the prostatitis can be the result of a stagnation phenomena in the pelvic organs.
No matter the reasons of its occurrence, the prostatitis is quite difficult to treat. It prevents the offensive erection for account PRePYAtwithtвonваnandю the passage of the blood through the blood vessels. Вonwithpалennaya prostate not only pepeжandмаet them, by an increase in size, but delivers a painful and unpleasant feeling for the man.
In addition, during the prostatitis appear discharge from the penis. They can be painted in yellow, yellow-green, green or purulent color and have an unpleasant odor. This is one of the factors, which will interfere with the man, in his attempts to have sex with your partner.
To prevent the development of prostatitis or to detect disease in the early stage, it is necessary to:
- regularly (at least 1 time per year) to go to the doctor (urologist or andrologist);
- pass the tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDS);
- do not engage in sexual intercourse unprotected with untested partner;
- to lead a healthy life;
- keep active in the sexual life.
When it is detected a prostatitis or any other inflammatory disease, required to implement the recommendations of the doctor. Such diseases are treated the acquisition of a course of antibiotics and support the health of drugs. It often happens that he felt the improvement of health status through 2-4 days after the beginning of the course of therapy antibacterial, the man stops taking the antibiotics. It seems to him that everything has passed and there is no more need to drink.
But this is misleading it is extremely dangerous. It is important to destroy all the disease causing organisms in the human body. If the exchange rate of the antibiotic in the past does not until the end, or part of them remains. They suffer mutations as a result of new forms, resistant to the action of this antibiotic. In this case, the treatment process not only persists, but becomes complicated due to the selection of a new antimicrobial drug.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS)Sexually transmitted diseases (STDS) makes it extremely difficult for the sex life. They can decrease the libido due to psychological factors: who is too good to have sex, when the wound pain? The main prevention of sexually transmitted diseases is no circumstance, do not engage in unprotected sex with untested partner. It is also advisable to visit a urologist and make corresponding analyses. Any disease of this type is much more pleasant and easy to cure in initial stage, that the run it.

The most common are the bad habits of men which is the smoking and the alcohol. Toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke, poison the body. The alcohol destroys the liver. The consequences of these habits can be:
- increase the level of cholesterol;
- ontdisco, bronchial asthma;
- diseases, neoplastic;
- atherosclerosis of the blood vessels;
- change the hormonal balance of the body;
- diseases of the liver and of the kidneys;
- cardiac arrhythmias, heart failure;
- the worsening of the pancreatitis, gastritis;
- cerebral hemorrhage;
- impotence and sterility;
- the deterioration of hearing and vision, injuries of the nervous system.
The best prevention of this disease – the complete failure of smoking and alcohol consumption. Safe or harmless doses does not exist. Especially relevant this tip is for the people, after 50 years of age. At this age, the most commonly affects the negative impact of bad habits.
Overcome an addiction in case of failure of one of these bad habits help to play sports, go hiking outdoors. The larger will be the circle of your interests, the less time will remain in the analysis of your desires.
The prevention of problems with the power
Human health depends on your life style. It is important to maintain a sedentary life, to play sports, a lot of walk in the open air, to sleep, to avoid stress. Sufficient so that the oxygen saturation in the blood helps to maintain a strong erection during sexual intercourse. When excessively intense sports activities and weight lifting do not help to keep the power for the next few years. They hurt the muscles and blood vessels, preventing good blood circulation.
You need to monitor your health, regularly go to the doctor and do exams. Not all men follow this rule. But if you follow the recommendations of doctors, it is possible to save not only sexual, but health in general, for the next few years and increase the duration of your own life.
You can take special vitamin complexes and dietary supplements. They help to keep the body in shape, improve resistance to diseases and colds during the autumn-winter and will strengthen the immunity.
Many men after 50 years you must pay with your health. At this age, increases the risk of development of diseases, such as arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis. Are damaged by nerve endings, including those associated with the erection, decreases the sensitivity of the penis.
How to improve the power
If the problems with pontenцandй already started, so, it is very difficult not to think about them. And still many scares in itself the anticipation of these problems. In such a state of erection, it often does not occur due to feelings psychological. Therefore, it is better not to think about what might happen, since that has not happened. And very best to follow the recommendation above, that just to survive.
Immediately before intercourse should relax, think about something pleasant. When a glass of wine, although if you distract from disturbing thoughts, but negatively on the power. It is better to do without stimulants of any kind.
One of the oldest means of enhancing their power, – aphrodisiac. This is a bit of food, which increases the sexual desire for the account of the substances contained in it. Indisputable advantages aphrodisiacs is that:
- your choice is quite wide. Every man can make himself "sexy" dishes according to your taste;
- they are harmless, eating. Of course, eating too much, not worth. Having sex with the stomach too full, nasty, and dangerous;
- even if the man has an allergy to a certain product, it will still be able to choose the aphrodisiac for one of the other products;
- the effect of their actions comes already from 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion;
- the common use of aphrodisiacs in the food can help you relax and distract you, and this can turn into a prelude or sexual game.
The aphrodisiac include:
- oysters, mussels, shrimp, fish eggs;
- walnuts, almonds, sesame seeds;
- avocado, tomato, fresh herbs, eggplant;
- the dark chocolate with a cocoa content of more than 95%;
- pineapple, banana, mango, citrus fruits;
- cinnamon, ginger, lavender, peppermint.
To improve the power also can create the romantic conditions in the room. You should count with your preference. It is not so important, of course, in the room or dark, lit the candles. It is much more important, for a man to relax in such an environment. This will help and smells, for example vanilla, cinnamon or onwithвegausa mint. And in silence-silently to the music that will not distract you from the process, but will feel like it.
Another way to improve the power – to try special toys and electrical devices. It is clear that, in the beginning, you must obtain the consent pаptnepшand in all the steps. This diversifies their sex life and, possibly, will add to the excitement and self-confidence.
To keep the power output is possible at any age, if you lead a healthy life and carry out medical recommendations. For many men it is the beginning of a new phase in life, when held in the life and radiate confidence in yourself. And this attracts women.